
Visual Model Sample Pack


Speed up your requirements process with visual models from UML diagrams to whiteboard drawings. 22 real-world swipe files from the working files of a BA.



Learn the ins and outs of visual modeling

If you want to speed up the requirements process on your projects (and get stakeholders more open and willing to talk to you), one of the best skills you can acquire is the ability to quickly create visual models.

When you download the Visual Model Sample Pack today, you’ll receive 22 real-world visual samples that cover everything from UML diagrams to whiteboard drawings, so you can easily incorporate more visuals into your requirements process, and get the process moving faster.

Along with each of the 22 real-world samples, you’ll receive context so you’ll learn what the model is, when to use it, and how to create it…simply and easily.

Accompanying each sample is one or more native format swipe files so you can get started quickly and easily. These files are in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, and Balsamiq. To create your visual model simply open the swipe file in the appropriate software application, start editing, and save your work. You’ll save time hunting for the right elements for your models because you won’t be starting from scratch.

While the swipe files will save you time, you’ll also receive a document teaching you how to use the swipe file to improve and formalize your BA practices. This includes:

  • Why the model was created, and the situations in which you will want to use the model to speed up your requirements process.
  • How the model was presented to stakeholders, so you’ll know how to engage stakeholders to get better requirements input using visuals models.
  • Who reviewed the model, and what type of input was needed, so you’ll apply the model at the right time, and not waste effort.
  • How the model aligns with the terminology and techniques in the BABOK® Guide, so you’ll learn exactly how to align your work experience with formal industry standards.
  • How to create the model, with a step-by-step approach you can use to create your own to do this quickly and easily, without wasting time on overly formal standards that don’t generate immediate value on your project work.

And because even simple models can surface complex issues that can stop you in your tracks if you don’t expect them, each sample also includes an explanation of the most common issues analysts face when creating this type of model along with time-tested ways to work around those issues.

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