Customer Analytics For Dummies
Who would have thought a “Dummies” book would be so well laid out and practical. Customer Analytics For Dummies helps you develop a strong and trusted brand by ensuring your customers have positive experiences with your organisation. This book is an excellent guide to measuring and understanding customer behaviour at every stage of the customer journey. It teaches you how to use analytics tools to gain insights into customers’ preferences and behaviours. Additionally, it provides strategies for making key business decisions based on these findings. With its step-by-step approach, this book will provide businesses of all sizes with the ability to measure each stage of their customers’ journeys accurately while also helping them make informed decisions about their marketing plans.
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Metrics: How to Improve Key Business Results
Metrics are an important part of measuring success in the business world. It is essential to understand not only what metrics are, but why they matter and how to use them effectively. This highly rate book does exactly that. Not only does it explain the purpose and importance behind metrics, but it also provides step-by-step instructions for creating reports that can be used to track progress within an organisation as well as customer satisfaction levels. The book includes examples of how to identify, collect, analyse, and report metrics that will be immediately useful for improving all aspects of the enterprise, including IT.
Mastering the Requirements Process
Mastering the Requirements Process describes a comprehensive and industry-proven process of gathering and verifying requirements. It includes latest best practices, demonstrating how to effectively discover customer needs regardless of whether you work in a traditional or agile environment. This essential read outlines the most efficient methods possible for understanding what customers want from their products or services so that developers can deliver high quality results every time. It includes checklists to help identify stakeholders, users, non-functional requirements, and describes methods for reusing requirements and requirements patterns. Highly recommended.
Discovering Requirements
Discovering Requirements: How to Specify Products and Services is a comprehensive book useful for anyone looking to get the most out of their projects. It contains a wealth of carefully checked tips and tricks, illustrated examples, checklists, summaries, keywords and exercises that will help you discover requirements and better understand the real problems you’re trying to solve. Additionally, guest boxes from other experts provide extra hints and advice that can further enhance your understanding or give new ideas on how best to approach a project. It includes a full chapter on product qualities and constraints and how to discover, document, and validate non-functional requirements.