Templates for Your Business Analysis Toolkit
Well defined business requirements help you avoid expensive mistakes. Without them, your project will be like a ship without a rudder. It can’t get any more important than this.
Well defined business requirements help you avoid expensive mistakes. Without them, your project will be like a ship without a rudder. It can’t get any more important than this.
A few years back, I started a new role just before Christmas. In the first week my Project Manager told me I had to start workshops immediately – that week! Two of our key decision makers were taking leave and will not be available until mid-January. Waiting more than a whole month was not an option so I had to get started.
Discover requirements with ease with over 700 elicitation questions at your fingertips. Effective stakeholder engagement and elicitation is the business analyst’s bread and butter. It’s so important that Laura Brandenburg (CBAP) came up with over … Read more
Well defined business requirements help you avoid expensive mistakes. Without them, your project will be like a ship without a rudder. It can’t get any more important than this.